• A rail line connected Omagh to Enniskillen (and on to Sligo Town) until 1957.
• Enniskillen (population 14,000) is the county-town of Fermanagh, and at the heart of The Fermanagh Lakelands – a significant area for tourism. Fermanagh is one of the 5 counties on the island currently without rail.
• The Union Connectivity Review identified Enniskillen and Derry as “being particularly reliant on tourism and being significantly distant from existing stratgeic transport links”
• Restoring the 26 mile route between Omagh and Enniskillen would reconnect Fermanagh to the rail network again. And ensure all 6 counties in NI were included.

• Continuing the reopening down from Enniskillen to Sligo would also link the west of NI directly into the proposed Western Rail Corridor.
• Whilst most of a recreated Omagh-Enniskillen-Sligo line would be in NI – its cross-border nature and the connectivity boost it would provide to north Connacht and the Northern & Western Region of ROI would raise the possibility of securing a contribution from the southern government.